
I’m 22 years young and have just finished my second University degree. I’m not far away from starting my career as a Primary School Teacher. Teaching is not what my blog is about though…

University students are known for their lack of money AKA being broke. Well i’m someone who has never let money stand in the way of my total shopping addiction, as if retail therapy isn’t the best kind of therapy money can buy! I am a self-professed shopaholic and i get my fix however i can; whether that be in a shopping centre or from the comfort of my own home thanks to online shopping sites such as Ebay.

I’ve grown up with a strong sense of ‘value for money’. That it was this blog is about. Bagging Bargains started because of my desire to share some of my shopping bargains with other people. This is my way of showing people that the word ‘cheap’ doesn’t have to have a bad stigma associated with it. It’s 2013 and we have to be careful with our money due to the unstable economy.

My aim is to eventually set up a website where people can become members and share the bargains they’ve bagged with each other, shopaholics only!

Here are few things about me:

Location: Sydney

Favourite Brand: Guess

Things that I cannot get enough of ATM:

  • Nail Polish
  • Monochrome Clothing
  • Strappy Shoes
  • Anything Orange
  • Handbags
  • Jim Shore Tinkerbell Collectables ❤
  • Ebay


Until next shopping spree, enjoy! x